Let's reduce misery for bullocks, ponies, and horses during the Chinchali Fair

Help Animal Rahat relieve the suffering of thousands

There's still time to relieve suffering during the Chinchali Fair!

Photo of bullocks hitched to cart

Dear Aaaaaaa,

In just a few days, thousands of bullocks, ponies, and horses will be forced on a grueling, days-long trek to the Chinchali Fair—an annual festival in India. Some of them will be forced to run for more than 200 miles, hauling carts jam-packed with families and their possessions. Along the way, some will collapse from exhaustion, while others will become injured as their wagons hit ruts or are run off the road. Most will endure dehydration and despair.

Animal Rahat is preparing to provide these animals with food, water, and vital veterinary care—and it needs your support to come to the aid of as many individuals as possible.


For 15 years, Animal Rahat has been working to provide animals forced to pull carts to the fair with the basic care and sustenance that they need. These animals absolutely rely on Animal Rahat for everything from food and water to emergency medical treatment for problems such as lameness, exhaustion, untreated wounds, and debilitating infections.

The team informs animals' owners about effective long-term care, which benefits them long after the fair is over. The team will also once again enlist the help of police officers to confiscate torture devices, including whips, pointed sticks, wire nose rings, and yoke spikes.

Many animals are no longer forced to make the trip, because Animal Rahat has persuaded many villagers from all around the region to rest their animals and instead take buses—which the group provides or subsidizes! The team is working hard to make these vehicles the primary means of transportation to the festival.


Thanks to kind people like you, Animal Rahat is changing minds and improving animals' lives.

Very truly yours,

Ingrid E. Newkirk


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