Urgent: Animals Are Waiting for Help

PETA's rescue team is in North Carolina right now.

Dear Aaaaaaa,

Tonight and in the days ahead, as Hurricane Florence's torrential rains batter the coast and streets disappear under historic storm surges, thousands of animals will be left to ride out the terrifying storm alone—often on a chain in a rapidly flooding backyard. Some won't make it.

Over the next few days, many will struggle to survive as the waters make lying or sitting down impossible, as yards become rivers, and as they hope that someone will provide them with the food and rescue that they'll desperately need.

PETA's rescue team is in North Carolina right now.

Can PETA's rescue team count on your help today?

As soon as it became clear that Hurricane Florence was headed on a destructive journey toward the Carolinas, PETA began preparing. We'd been through it with Harvey, Maria, and even Katrina. We know what this means for animals left outside, especially those helpless to free themselves from chains, pens, or crates.

All week, media outlets up and down the East Coast have been spreading our urgent message explaining how vital it is that the more than 1 million evacuees take their beloved dogs, cats, and other animal companions with them when fleeing the storm. Some will listen and spare the animals a frightening and potentially deadly ordeal. Others will not, and we know what the consequences will be for the animals.

Determined PETA rescuers—including veterans from our work during last year's devastating hurricanes and flooding in Texas, Louisiana, and Puerto Rico—have already spent days knocking on doors and urging owners to evacuate with their animals, and they're still out there doing it. For dogs like James, whose owner was evacuating but had planned to leave the sweet black-and-white pup tied up outside, their work will mean the difference between life and death.

Now that the massive storm has reached land, our focus has turned to helping as many animals as we can as quickly we can. In the coming days, our team will work determinedly in mostly rural and underserved or unserved communities—rescuing animals and ensuring that those we find who were left behind aren't forgotten. We can't reach them all, but we’ll reach as many as we can. Each one of them is a precious individual who needs a lifeline.

Please make a special Animal Emergency Fund donation right now and help provide the resources that our team in North Carolina needs.

For many animals, there's simply no more time to wait.

Donate Now!


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