NEW SERIES: ‘PETA Reveals’—Watch How Giving a Desperately Thirsty Pig Water Changed A Woman’s Life

PETA Alert

Dear Aaaaaaa,

When I was first asked to share my story as part of the new "PETA Reveals" video series, I wondered how I could explain in just a few minutes what motivates me to be an activist. Rehashing my successes and failures didn't seem right, because they're only a part of the picture.

Instead, I focused on a deeply personal experience that reinforced my convictions. I thought back to the first time I attended a vigil—a nighttime event at which people gather outside a slaughterhouse to comfort, for a moment or two, animals who are on their way to be murdered for their flesh.


What I saw changed me. The experience forced me to face head-on where—and who—clothing, accessories, makeup, and food come from. I invite you to take that journey with me by watching all 10 uplifting "PETA Reveals" videos. Each one showcases the moments in activists' lives that guided them, taught them important lessons, and made them into who they are today, because everybody's got a story.

I hope you'll share your favorite video—or the whole series—with others who need encouragement as they start their own vegan journeys and with those who have yet to see the individual behind the "product."

Watch Now!

Thank you for your compassion for animals.


Christina Sewell
Assistant Manager of Clothing Campaigns
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals


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