A mother cow cries out in anguish

Cows and their calves deserve better!
Photo of starved dairy cow

Dear Aaaaaaa,

She's a mother like all other mothers. She cares deeply about her newborn and cries out in anguish for days after her baby is torn away from her side, just minutes after birth. She would do anything—jump a high fence, swim across a river, or travel for miles—to be reunited with her calf.

Because she is used for dairy "products," she will be forcibly impregnated many times throughout her life. She'll endure the same loss over and over, just so that the milk that was intended for her calves can be sold and made into a pizza topping or a milkshake.

For the cows abused in the dairy industry, life—if you can call it that—is full of suffering. These sensitive animals are crowded together on filthy concrete floors, kept constantly pregnant or lactating, and hooked up two or more times a day to milking machines. Through the aggressive use of drugs and genetic manipulation, the dairy industry has forced today's cows to produce more than four times as much milk as cows did in 1950.

Female calves taken from their distressed mothers are typically condemned to this same cruel cycle of forced pregnancy and milk production. Life is no joy for male calves, either—many will be immediately shipped off for slaughter or imprisoned for months in tiny crates and fed a nutrient-poor diet so that their flesh meets the approval of the veal industry.

A cow who's not exploited for her milk could live to be more than 20 years old, but the dairy industry's abuse will likely wear out her body by the time she's only 5—and then she'll be killed, dismembered, and turned into soup, ground beef, or food for dogs and cats.

With help from caring people like you, we're working to end the cruel practices of the dairy, meat, and egg industries and protect all animals from harm. Will you give a boost to our vital campaigns by making a gift today?

PETA is doing all that we can to inform the public about the abuse that cows and other animals endure. This year, we'll send out hundreds of thousands of copies of our free vegan starter kit, collaborate with restaurants and companies to help them develop and promote dairy-free options, organize powerful demonstrations that generate widespread media coverage, and inspire countless consumers to embrace vegan cheeses, yogurts, ice creams, and more. We've also been touring the country with our innovative "I, Calf" virtual reality experience, helping thousands see—and feel—the suffering experienced by mother cows and their calves.

It's no wonder that sales of dairy "products" are tanking as plant-based beverages, such as those made from almonds or soybeans, skyrocket in popularity—but to help more animals, we must keep this momentum going.

Thank you for your compassion and generosity.

Kind regards,

Ingrid E. Newkirk


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