tsconline.gov.np,शिक्षक सेवा अायोग,शिक्षक सेवा,शिक्षक सेवा अनलार्इन,tsconline.gov.np form,tsc online form,nimavi online form,teacher license form,teacher license online,how to fill up teacher license online,tsc teacher license form,tsc teacher license online,अध्यापन अनुमति पत्र,अध्यापन अनुमति पत्र फारम,अध्यापन अनुमतिपत्र,अध्यापन अनुमतिपत्र फारम,tsc.gov.np teacher license,tsc.gov.np teacher license form

How to fill up teacher license online Form

 Give the steps in points. You fill up the teacher License from following the given below steps.

  1. First of all, open the Shikshak Sewa Aayog official Website (. www.tsc.gov.np.)
  2. Find the top corner right site online application button on this site.
  3. If you are the new user click on new in the page and old user Enter your user ID and Password after login. 
  4. New User Fill this gape on your name, phone number, email address and date of birth.
  5. Now you will send the activation code in your email id this code find your email spam option. 
  6. So in this way you have created your account and fill the details carefully.
  7. At the same time, you have to provide the photo in jpg form as given by TSC. (More Information Check Our Video)  

Teacher License Notice 2076

TSC Nepal publishes the Teacher License Notice soon. So the interested can see this primary level, Lower Secondary Level and Secondary Level Teacher License Notice. Many education students are waiting for Teacher License notice. Therefore apply for the primary level, Lower Secondary Level and Secondary Level License in time.