Please Support My Barefoot Run for Animals!

Help me raise $5,000 for cold dogs!

I'm running the Boston Marathon barefoot to support PETA's Community Animal Project—will you help?


Dear Aaaaaaa,

I'll be running barefoot for PETA in the 2019 Boston Marathon on April 15.

Why would I put myself through such an extreme challenge? Because I've set a goal to raise $5,000 to help PETA protect animals, and today, I need your help.

Barefoot marathon training during a New England winter can be miserable, but that misery doesn't compare to all that forgotten "outside dogs" endure. When an owner refuses to let a dog live indoors, that lonely animal watches as life passes them by. They're ignored and deprived of the most basic companionship, love, and respect. Without adequate shelter, many won't survive the bitter winters and scorching summers that they spend chained up.

Your support will help PETA provide vulnerable "backyard dogs" with doghouses, food, toys, and straw bedding. It will also help the organization persuade some guardians to bring their dogs indoors!

Your support will boost PETA's efforts to provide free wellness and veterinary services where none exist and help end animal homelessness by providing spay/neuter surgeries at little or no cost.


Your support will strengthen PETA's campaigns to end the suffering of animals in laboratories, those used for food, those farmed for their fur, and those abused in the entertainment industry.

PETA's crucial work helps win landmark victories for animals, and it's the generosity of supporters like you and me that helps provide the organization with the resources that it needs to push on. This will be my motivation as I prepare for this difficult challenge.

Kind regards,

Scott DeFusco
Scott DeFusco


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