(1 of 3) Peter and Jerry were torn away from their mothers

Peter and Jerry's story begins on a commercial dairy farm in Pennsylvania.

A PETA eyewitness found helpless calves living in misery and filth.


Dear Aaaaaaa,

Their mothers loved them from the moment Peter and Jerry were born. But as male calves in the cruel dairy industry, these sweet, gentle animals were seen as nothing more than a milk byproduct by the people running the Pennsylvania dairy farm at which they were kept.

Just imagine: They were torn away from their mothers' sides within days of being born. Their mothers called out in distress for their beloved calves for days, not knowing there was no hope for a reunion.

Yet as devastating as these calves' first days on Earth likely were, their lives were about to get far worse—and the same is true for millions more calves born each year. We're working to protect more animals from the suffering that Peter and Jerry experienced, but we can't do it without you. Will you help?

Calves are treated cruelly from the moment they're born into the dairy industry's cycle of pain, fear, and death.

As soon as they're old enough, female calves are impregnated over and over again to keep them producing milk—a cycle that ends when their bodies wear out and they're sent to slaughter. Male calves like Peter and Jerry—considered "useless" to most dairy farmers—are often branded, dehorned, and castrated without painkillers. Some are kept confined to tiny crates for months on end and killed so that their flesh can be sold as veal. Others are shipped off to barren, filthy feedlots, where they're fattened up before slaughter.

Male or female, calf or adult, all cows condemned to life in this abusive industry suffer immensely. If we don't help them, who will?

Peter and Jerry's story doesn't end here—we'll be contacting you in a few days to let you know what happened to them after their first few weeks of life. But in the meantime, please take a moment to make a gift and help protect more defenseless animals from suffering the way they did.

Thank you, as always, for your commitment to helping animals.

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