University hiding psychological torture of baby monkeys



Dear Aaaaaaa,

Horrific misery, terror, and abuse are being inflicted on baby monkeys right now at the University of California–Davis (UC-Davis), home to one of the country's largest primate-tormenting facilities. Experimenters there are separating baby monkeys from their mothers, isolating them in cages, and intentionally distressing them—and they've refused to release video footage of this psychological torture.

please stop hurting me.
Double My Impact

Vile, taxpayer-funded experiments like those at UC-Davis depend on secrecy, and today, we need your help to expose the cruelty and end it.

PETA is determined to show the public what monkeys endure at UC-Davis, which is why we're suing the school to obtain footage from its experiments AND demanding that it stop wasting millions in taxpayer dollars on animal tests and start paying instead for the retirement of suffering primates to reputable sanctuaries. Will you join us with a $5 donation, which will be doubled?

No animal should have to face even a day in UC-Davis' den of horrors. Appalling conditions at the school have led to dozens of deaths and animal welfare violations in recent years alone: Workers forced two infant primates to live in isolation for four months. Staff repeatedly failed to provide even basic veterinary care, and some monkeys sustained fatal injuries during escape attempts or rough handling. In one horrific incident, seven monkeys baked to death when the temperature in the room soared to roughly 115 degrees—and last year, seven more monkeys died from poisoning after they were exposed to toxic dye.

Such deadly neglect and incompetence may pale in comparison to the experiments themselves. If they're not torn away from their mothers and intentionally traumatized, monkeys caged on campus may be subjected to spinal cord injuries, injected with chemicals, or forced to inhale toxic substances—sometimes for days—before being killed and dissected.

With your help, we'll build on the tremendous progress that we're making for primates and other animals condemned to barren laboratory cages. Through eye-opening exposés, hard-hitting campaigns, and the determination of PETA scientists, we're securing citations and fines for some of the worst abusers and have all but shut down the business of shipping monkeys from their natural homes to secretive laboratories halfway around the world.

But we must do more for the tens of thousands of those who are desperately waiting for their suffering to end. It took a vigorous PETA campaign to stop more than three decades of maternal-deprivation experiments on baby monkeys at the National Institutes of Health, and with your help today, we'll end the cruel, secretive experiments at UC-Davis, too.

Double My Gift

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