Summer heat can kill dogs—they need your help

Temperatures are soaring this summer, but some dogs have no escape from the heat.

Dear Aaaaaaa,

Imagine spending the long, hot days of summer exposed to the blazing sun without any shade—or even clean water to drink.

Right now, dogs are languishing day after day, week after week, in lonely backyards, some with heavy chains chafing their necks. Some have nothing more than a discarded plastic barrel or a board propped against a fence to provide some respite from the sun's sweltering rays—and many have no protection at all. For these dogs, something as simple as a sturdy doghouse can mean the difference between life and death.

This summer, we're providing as many doghouses as we can—as quickly as we can—to give dogs some relief.

Dogs can die in the heat. Please help them.

A PETA doghouse provides a dog with sturdy, year-round shelter and some protection from the scorching heat and violent storms of summer and the icy winds of winter. And your sponsorship today will give a lonely dog more than some shelter:

  • You’ll give a dog relief. When our fieldworkers find pups tormented by parasites or without adequate food or water, we do all that we can to make their lives a little better—and with any amount that you give today, v-dog will donate 5 pounds of dog food so that we can help feed even more animals. Make an urgently needed sponsorship gift now.
  • You’ll give a dog hope. While there's no substitute for a loving, indoor home, with almost every doghouse that we deliver, we leave a toy to provide some diversion from the monotony of life in a barren backyard. If dogs are tied up with a heavy chain, we replace it with a lightweight tie-out that allows them more freedom to move. Your sponsorship is crucial to helping more dogs.
  • You’ll give a dog affection. Our work doesn't end after we deliver a doghouse. PETA fieldworkers continue to visit the animals, sometimes for years on end, to check on their well-being and give them treats and much-needed affection—often the only kindness and respect that many of these sweet, neglected pups receive. On occasion, our visits even help persuade owners to let their dogs indoors. Change a dog's life by sponsoring a doghouse today.

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