Good morning! Your gift for animals DOUBLES today

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Dear Aaaaaaa,

I'm delighted to share some marvelous news with you this morning: A generous group of donors has agreed to MATCH your gift to PETA before midnight tonight, up to our $100,000 goal. So if you donate right now, you'll have twice the impact on our life-changing work for animals in 2019.

This offer ends at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT—please don't miss out on this chance to double your impact for animals in need! Make your special gift of just $5 or more today and it will be matched, dollar for dollar.


In a few hours, people around the world will be welcoming the new year as a hopeful, fresh start. But for animals who have known only abuse and neglect, nothing will change when the clock strikes midnight tonight if we don't act. We must do more—together—to improve their lives in 2019.

Before midnight, make a $5 gift that does twice as much to help dogs tormented in laboratories, like the golden retriever puppies at Texas A&M University who are bred to suffer from a debilitating canine form of muscular dystrophy that leaves them weak and sickly.

Photo of puppies used in experiments

Before midnight, make a $5 gift that does twice as much to help terrified lambs who are mutilated with no anesthetics and the adult sheep who are beaten, kicked, and cut during shearing.

Photo of bloodied lamb

Before midnight, make a $5 gift that does twice as much to help pigs condemned to spend their lives in cramped, filthy warehouses on massive farms before being dragged away and killed.

Photo of pig

Together, we can do even more to stop the suffering of these and other sensitive animals.

When you make your generous contribution, you'll be helping PETA accomplish more to protect animals in 2019, including the following:

  • We'll ramp up pressure on retailers to stop selling wool, fur, exotic skins, and other cruelly obtained materials. Donate now to have your gift doubled.
  • We'll launch hard-hitting investigations and exposés that reveal animal abuse in slaughterhouses, laboratories, and elsewhere. Donate now to have your gift doubled.
  • We'll help more people embrace an animal-friendly lifestyle by distributing our free vegan starter kits, engaging future activists, and inspiring more consumers to purchase only animal-free products. Donate now to have your gift doubled.

Change for animals can only come through our own commitment and determination. In 2019, we must work harder than ever to help as many animals as possible.

I hope you'll support our work to make the world a more compassionate place for all living, feeling beings.

Best wishes for the new year,

Ingrid E. Newkirk


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