Your match expires soon—animals in laboratories still need you

Just days remain to help animals tormented in cruel experiments.

Dear Aaaaaaa,

Just one week remains in PETA's annual Animals Out (of the Labs) Matching-Gift Challenge. It's your one chance all year long to double your impact for the monkeys condemned to painful and invasive experiments … the rabbits who endure having caustic chemicals slowly dripped into their eyes … and all the other animals abused, neglected, tormented, and killed every day inside laboratories.

But our records indicate that you haven't taken action yet during this campaign.

Will you review the information below and then make an urgently needed gift of just $5 or more today? It will immediately be doubled, dollar for dollar, to help more animals who need us!

Supporter Status

Name: Aaaaaaa Dsfsd Sd
Member ID: 903758554
Matching-Gift Status: UNCLAIMED

Matching-Gift Challenge Status

Campaign Goal: $500,000
Campaign Deadline: October 31, 2018
Matching-Gift Offer: STILL AVAILABLE

Your Impact for Animals:
Donate $5.
Your $5 donation will be doubled to have the impact of $10.

Donate $35.
Your $35 donation will be doubled to have the impact of $70.

Donate $50.
Your $50 donation will be doubled to have the impact of $100.

Donate $100.
Your $100 donation will be doubled to have the impact of $200.

Donate another amount.
Your gift will be doubled to have twice the impact, up to $500,000.

Your gift to PETA today will instantly be matched, doing even more to help cats, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, mice, rats, and other animals who are suffering at the hands of experimenters—and it will strengthen our critical work, including the following:

  • Our powerful eyewitness investigations and exposés are revealing the horrors that experimenters don't want the public to see. PETA's exposé of Texas A&M University has driven thousands of compassionate people to demand an end to the school's torturous treatment of golden retrievers bred with a painful, debilitating canine form of muscular dystrophy. Give just $5 or more today and you'll do twice as much to keep this vital work going.
  • Our hard-hitting campaigns are prompting significant changes by some of the world's largest corporations. We recently persuaded several major food and beverage companies to stop deadly tests in which experimenters starved and force-fed animals; injected them with chemicals, alcohol, and cancer cells; cut off and electrocuted their nerves; and worse before killing and dissecting them. Double your impact by making a gift now.
  • Cutting-edge scientific research is advancing science without harming animals. Our research team has more scientists on staff than any other animal rights organization in the world, and their knowledge and expertise are helping to shape a cruelty-free future. Don't miss your chance to make a gift that will be doubled to help more animals.

Donate Now!


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