Why is this university torturing dogs and puppies?

Sickly dogs cower and shiver in barren metal cages.

Double your impact to help dogs and other animals by giving to PETA's Animals Out (of the Labs) Matching-Gift Challenge today!

Dogs shouldn't be bred to face misery and pain. Help them by donating today.

Dear Aaaaaaa,

What kind of school would hurt a puppy?

For years, experimenters at Texas A&M University (TAMU) have intentionally bred golden retrievers and other dogs to develop canine muscular dystrophy—a painful and debilitating disease.

These gentle, intelligent dogs are housed in barren metal cells and suffer from muscle wasting so severe that they can barely walk. With swollen tongues and weakened jaws, they struggle to swallow even the thinnest gruel. And their everyday misery is compounded when experimenters routinely use them in crude, excruciating experiments—including stretching their muscles with motorized levers to see how much they've deteriorated.

Torture like this should have gone out with the Dark Ages, and it has no place in higher education—or anywhere else. Help stop the misery of animals in laboratories by donating $5 or more to PETA's Animals Out (of the Labs) Matching-Gift Challenge today.  Your support will be DOUBLED!

To thank you for your generosity, we'll send you a sticker that symbolizes your commitment to ending cruel animal tests.

TAMU isn't the only university using animals in cruel, painful experiments:

  • At the University of Pittsburgh, hundreds of monkeys remain trapped in cages. Many rock and pace as they slowly go insane or become violent from the overwhelming stress of their confinement.
  • Experimenters at the University of Utah have repeatedly violated federal animal-welfare laws and guidelines. During one incident, a 2-month-old lamb was injected with drugs that almost immediately led to cardiac arrest and then death. Experimenters also killed two rabbits with urethane, a carcinogenic agent that is expressly labeled "unacceptable" to use because it causes a prolonged and painful death.
  • University of Delaware experimenter Tania Roth has electrically shocked infant rats, stuffed pregnant rats into tiny tubes, and put rats in beakers of water to see how long they would struggle to swim before giving up.

These and dozens of other colleges and universities are subjecting animals to horrific abuse and neglect—and many are even receiving federal funding for their callous experiments!

PETA's high-profile campaigns have led the U.S. National Institutes of Health to end funding for hamster "fight club" experiments at Northeastern University and for University of Pittsburgh experimenter Rajesh Aneja's cruel and useless sepsis experiments on mice. We stopped twisted starvation experiments at St. Mary's University in San Antonio—sparing hundreds of animals' lives. With help from our supporters, we shut down the University of Wisconsin–Madison's cruel cat laboratory. These are just a few of dozens of recent victories for animals in laboratories. And our campaign to stop the misery of dogs at TAMU is growing louder every day.

With your support, we'll be able to do even more to dry up experimenters' funding, end animal tests at TAMU and other schools, and create a kinder future.

Thank you for your compassion.

Kind regards,

Ingrid E. Newkirk

Donate Now!


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