Dogs' blood splashes onto a filthy floor

She can only watch, terrified, as others are killed in front of her.

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Dear Aaaaaaa,

Meyli is terrified. The floor beneath her paws is slick with the blood of dozens of dogs killed before her, their bodies hanging on hooks or soaking in vats of water. Surrounded by gore and dismembered body parts, dogs can only watch, trembling in terror, as others are killed right in front of them. It's a grisly scene that's all too familiar in a world still reeling from investigative footage showing "wet markets"—where sick and frightened animals are right now slated to be killed.

A worker will soon drag Meyli away from the holding cell and bash her over the head with a wooden club. Like many others, she may not die instantly—and may writhe and struggle to breathe even after her throat is slit before her skin is peeled off.

What animals like Meyli experience seems like something from a horror movie, and for good reason. An employee at one facility told a PETA Asia field observer that just that single operation alone killed and skinned as many as 200 dogs each day.

This cruelty isn't isolated to the leather trade: Dogs and cats sold at animal markets alongside monkeys, civets, bats, chickens, and many other individuals are also killed for their flesh or fur, and PETA's exposés have documented that some animals' hearts may still beat even after their skin is torn from their bodies.


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