The server formula for managing a local level accounting system has long been 'corrupted'. Authorities are calling it a 'hack'. This has destroyed the data of the previous year's tally of 753 local level.

Annapurna Post Daily reports that police have started investigating the disturbance of the software subnational treasury regulatory application 'sutra' under the control of the Auditor General's Office.

From 2075/76, the formula for managing local and state government reserves was implemented by Public Expenditure and Financial Responsibility. According to the Deputy Inspector General of the Auditor General's Office, Niraj KC, the server has been hacked since Thursday night. Some locals have said that the deterioration has started from the second week of Mansir.

he said "All systems were collapsed in the past year. We had published a data server up to Mansir. About a month's worth of data was lost"